明珠930 | TVB五月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!



明珠930 | TVB五月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930五月電影盤點! 今個月一大堆動作巨片等住你,分別有:盜墓迷城系列, 剌客特攻系列, 生化危機系列, 仲有災片明日之後, 活火熔城等等!

Transporter 2 換命快遞2 01/05/2024

Jason Statham returns as a highly skilled driver and ex-commando who's called back into action when ruthless kidnappers abduct a young boy from a wealthy family.


Air Force One 空軍一號 02/05/2024

Hijackers seize the plane carrying the president of the United States and his family, but he (an ex-soldier) works from hiding to defeat them. Harrison Ford is the president and he's been skyjacked by terrorists who threaten the lives of his wife and daughter unless he meets their demands, in "Air Force One." President James Marshall (Ford) is traveling with his family and entourage back from a conference on terrorism when terrorists take charge of air force one. At first the president eludes the skyjackers, but the group's violent leader, Gary Oldman, holds the first lady (Wendy Crewson) and 12-year-old first daughter (Liesel Matthews) as hostages to leverage demands of freedom for one of his colleagues in a Russian prison. A former Medal of Honor winner, President Marshall fights back with his fists and wits aboard the cramped airliner, while the vice president (Glenn Close) struggles to negotiate from the White House with the terrorists and the Russian government.

劫機者劫持了載有美國總統及其家人的飛機,但他(一名前士兵)躲藏起來並擊敗了他們。 在《空軍一號》中,哈里遜福特是美國總統,他被恐怖分子劫持,恐怖分子威脅他妻子和女兒的生命,除非他滿足他們的要求。 詹姆斯馬歇爾總統(福特飾)正與家人和隨從參加一場反恐會議返回途中,恐怖分子控制了空軍一號。 起初,總統躲避了劫機者,但該組織的暴力頭目加里·奧德曼將第一夫人(溫迪·古遜飾)和12 歲的第一女兒(莉賽爾·馬修斯飾)扣為人質,以利用他的一名同事的自由要求。 作為前榮譽勳章獲得者,馬歇爾總統在狹窄的客機上用拳頭和智慧進行反擊,而副總統(格倫·克洛斯飾)則在白宮努力與恐怖分子和俄羅斯政府進行談判。

XXX Return of Xander Cage 3X反恐暴族 03/05/2024

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons. NSA Agent Augustus Gibbons attempts to recruit footballer Neymar for the xxx program when a satellite crashes in Brazil, apparently killing them both.

山德·凱奇在一次事故後被遺棄,但他秘密地重返戰場,與他的訓練員奧古斯塔斯·吉本斯一起執行一項新的、艱鉅的任務。 當一顆衛星在巴西墜毀時,美國國家安全局特工奧古斯塔斯·吉本斯試圖招募足球員內馬爾參加 xxx 節目,顯然兩人雙雙喪生。

Resident Evil Retribution 生化危機之滅絕真相 04/05/2024

The Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus continues to ravage the Earth, transforming the global population into legions of the flesh eating Undead. The human race’s last and only hope, ALICE (Milla Jovovich), awakens in the heart of Umbrella's most clandestine operations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as she delves further into the complex. Without a safe haven, Alice continues to hunt those responsible for the outbreak.

Umbrella Corporation的致命病毒繼續肆虐全球,把剩餘人類變成食人喪屍!在企業秘密基地內,甦醒後的愛麗絲(米娜祖華域芝 飾)逐步尋回記憶,但真實與記憶竟混亂不清。世界末日正在倒數,全人類很快滅絕......

Resident Evil The Final Chapter 生化危機 終極屍殺 05/05/2024

Picking up immediately after the events in Resident Evil: Retribution, Alice (Milla Jovovich) is the only survivor of what was meant to be humanity’s final stand against the undead. Now, she must return to where the nightmare began – The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against the only remaining survivors of the apocalypse.
世界即將面臨最終考驗!Alice(米娜祖華域芝 飾)得悉終結變種怪物肆虐的最後方法,然而她必須回到一切噩夢的源頭—浣熊市。Alice要在極有限的時間內與昔日戰友Clarie和她的新盟軍一起殺出重圍,守護人類存亡的最後希望!

Still Alice 永遠的愛麗絲 06/05/2024

Alice Howland, happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who starts to forget words. When she receives a devastating diagnosis of Early-Onset Alzheimer's disease, Alice and her family find their bonds thoroughly tested. Her struggle to stay connected to who she once was is frightening, heartbreaking, and inspiring.

任教紐約哥倫比亞大學的愛麗絲(茱莉安摩亞 飾)是享譽全球的語言學教授,她聰明獨立、對人生充滿熱情,有個同為教授且深愛她的丈夫約翰(艾力寶雲 飾)與三個已長大成人的孩子,唯一的煩惱只是小女兒麗蒂亞(姬絲汀史超域 飾)放棄念大學而執意追求演員夢。本來完美的生活,卻在演講時意外失語、慢跑時喪失方向感等一連串意外下離她越來越遠。神經科醫生診斷她患上了遺傳的早發性PSI基因變異的腦退化症,震驚崩潰的愛麗絲向家人透露病情,眼白白面對即將失去引以自豪的事業與獨立生活的能力;當記憶一步步走向終點時,也是愛麗絲與麗蒂亞展開諒解之旅的起點。

Erin Brockovich 伊人當自强 07/05/2024

Julia Roberts won the Academy Award® for Best Actress, among five nominations for this stirring, funny and unconventional drama based on real events. Erin Brockovich (Roberts) is in a tight spot following a car accident, though not her fault, her attorney, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), fails to land her a settlement. With no money, no job and no prospects, Erin pleads with Ed to hire her at his law firm. There she discovers a cover-up involving contaminated water that's causing devastating illnesses in a local community. By dogged determination and the ability to speak their language, Erin ultimately earns the trust of the locals and signs up more than 600 plaintiffs. Erin and Ed go on to win the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in U.S. history.


Evan Almighty 嚟多件衰鬼上帝 08/05/2024

Steve Carell, reprising his role as the polished, preening newscaster Evan Baxter of Bruce Almighty, is the next person selected by God to perform a holy mission in this hilarious family comedy. Newly elected to Congress, Evan's life is turned upside-down when God appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark. But his befuddled family just can't decide whether Evan is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis or is truly on to something of Biblical proportions...Also starring Academy Award®-winner Morgan Freeman, John Goodman, and Lauren Graham.

史蒂夫卡瑞爾再次飾演《全能布魯斯》中優雅、自命不凡的新聞播報員艾文巴克斯特,他是下一個被上帝選中在這部搞笑家庭喜劇中執行神聖使命的人。 埃文剛剛被選為國會議員,當上帝出現並神秘地命令他建造方舟時,埃文的生活發生了翻天覆地的變化。 但他困惑的家人無法確定艾文是否正在經歷一場非同尋常的中年危機,還是真正陷入了聖經的困境……該片還由奧斯卡金像獎得主摩根費里曼、約翰古德曼和勞倫·格雷厄姆主演。

Gulliver's Travels 小人國大歷險 09/05/2024

In a modern family comedy take on the classic tale, Jack Black (star of Kung Fu Panda and School of Rock) is Lemuel Gulliver, a lowly mailroom clerk at a New York newspaper. After Gulliver bluffs his way into an assignment writing about the Bermuda Triangle, he goes there only to be transported to an undiscovered land, Lilliput. In this fantastical new world, Gulliver is, at last, a bigger-than-life figure – in size and ego – especially after he starts telling tall tales, taking credit for his world’s greatest inventions, and placing himself at the center of its most historic events. Gulliver’s position is enhanced even further when he leads his new friends in a daring battle against their longtime enemies. But when Gulliver loses it all and puts the Lilliputians in peril, he must find a way to undo the damage. Ultimately, Gulliver becomes a true giant among men only when he learns that it’s how big you are on the inside that counts.

在這部經典故事的現代家庭喜劇中,傑克布萊克(《功夫熊貓》和《搖滾學校》的主演)飾演雷米爾格列佛,紐約一家報紙的低微收發室職員。 在格列佛虛張聲勢地完成一項有關百慕達三角的作業後,他去了那裡,卻被傳送到了一個未被發現的土地,小人國。 在這個奇幻的新世界中,格列佛終於成為了一個具有傳奇色彩的人物——無論是身材還是自我——尤其是在他開始講荒唐的故事、為他世界上最偉大的發明贏得讚譽、並將自己置於最偉大的發明的中心之後。 當格列佛帶領他的新朋友與他們的宿敵進行勇敢的戰鬥時,他的地位進一步增強。 但當格列佛失去一切並使小人國陷入危險時,他必須找到一種方法來挽回損失。 最終,只有當格列佛知道內心的強大才是最重要的時候,他才成為真正的人類巨人。

The Day after Tomorrow 明日之後 10/05/2024

What if we are on the brink of a new Ice Age? This is the question that haunts climatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid). Hall's research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the planet's climate. The ice cores that he's drilled in Antarctica show that it happened before, 10,000 years ago. And now he's warning officials that it could happen again if they don't act soon. But his warning comes too late...

Skyscraper 高凶浩刧 11/05/2024

Global superstar Dwayne Johnson leads the cast of Legendary's "Skyscraper" as former FBI Hostage Rescue Team leader and U.S. war veteran Will Sawyer, who now assesses security for skyscrapers. On assignment in Hong Kong he finds the tallest, safest building in the world, The Pearl, suddenly ablaze, and he's been framed for it. A wanted man on the run, Will must find those responsible, clear his name and somehow rescue his family who is trapped inside the building...above the fire line. Written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber ("Central Intelligence," "We're the Millers"), the 3D action-thriller is produced by Beau Flynn ("Rampage," "San Andreas"), Johnson, Thurber and Hiram Garcia ("Rampage," "San Andreas," "Jumanji").

前FBI拯救人質隊隊長Will Sawyer ( 狄維莊遜 飾) 於一次任務中受傷失去左腳,他離隊後為位處於香港,全球最高的高科技大樓—The Pearl,專責保安評估工作。某日大樓起火,以萬計的人命,以及Will Sawyer的家人身陷困境。Will Sawyer被栽贓為罪魁禍首。他除了要還自己一個清白,更為了拯救住在大樓內的家人,一夫當關冒著生命危險進入摩天大樓,卻意外發現大樓內隱藏的秘密……

The Mummy 盜墓迷城 12/05/2024

As punishment for killing Pharaoh Seti and sleeping with his mistress, Egyptian priest Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) is cursed and mummified alive. But when treasure hunters Brendan Fraser, Oscar-winner Rachel Weisz, and Jonathan Hannah inadvertently stumble upon his tomb in 1923, the mummy is resurrected! Not since Indiana Jones has tomb-raiding adventure been so scary, thrilling, and fun! Join adventurer Rick O'Connell and Egyptologist Evelyn Carnahan as they discover the lost city of Hamunaptra and struggle to save the world from unspeakable evil!


Doctor Dolittle D老篤日記 13/05/2024

Successful physician and devoted family man John Dolittle seems to have the world by the tail, until a long-suppressed talent he possessed as a child - the ability to communicate with animals - is suddenly reawakened with a vengeance! Now every creature within squawking distance wants the good doctor's advice, unleashing an outrageous chain of events that turn his world upside down!

D老篤醫生小時候就有一種天賦 - 無需藉任何科學儀器的輔助,便能與動物溝通交談。然而,D老篤醫生這與生俱來的天賦,隨著年齡的增長,事情的繁忙及許多雜物的干擾,早已消失得無蹤影,現在他只是個「正常」的外科醫生和住家男人。

Pearl Harbor 珍珠港 14/05/2024

On a sleepy Sunday morning in December, as children played and families prayed, squadrons of Japanese warplanes screamed across the skies of a Hawaiian paradise and launched a surprise attack on the U.S. armed forces at Pearl Harbor. The infamous day that jolted America from peaceful isolationism to total war and altered the course of history is relived in this epic tale of patriotism, passion and romance from producer Jerry Bruckheimer, producer/director Michael Bay and screenwriter Randall Wallace. "Pearl Harbor” focuses on the life-changing events surrounding December 7, 1941, and the war's devastating impact on two daring young pilots (Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett) and a beautiful, dedicated nurse (Kate Beckinsale). It is a tale of catastrophic defeat, heroic victory, personal courage and overwhelming love set against a stunning backdrop of spectacular wartime action.

十二月一個昏昏欲睡的周日早晨,孩子們在玩耍,家人在祈禱,日本戰機中隊在夏威夷天堂的上空呼嘯而過,對珍珠港的美軍發動了突然襲擊。 製片人傑瑞布魯克海默、製片人兼導演麥可貝和編劇蘭德爾華萊士在這部充滿愛國主義、激情和浪漫的史詩故事中重溫了那段臭名昭著的日子,這一天將美國從和平孤立主義推向了全面戰爭,並改變了歷史進程。 《珍珠港》聚焦於1941 年12 月7 日左右發生的改變人生的事件,以及戰爭對兩名勇敢的年輕飛行員(班艾佛列克和喬許哈奈特飾)和一名美麗、敬業的護士(凱特貝金賽爾飾)造成的毀滅性影響。

The Little Prince 小王子 15/05/2024

The story revolves around a little girl, an old pilot, and a little prince: the little girl grew up in a single-parent family, and her mother was a busy office worker who had great expectations for her. After the mother and daughter moved to a new community, the mother made a tight coaching life plan for the little girl in order to let her enter the famous Werth Academy. She tried to get the little girl to accept her arrangement and study hard. In the future, she will become a useful resource in society. Because her mother is busy with work, and the little girl is influenced by her mother’s life plan, she spends most of the time studying alone in her room, which leaves the little girl no time to play or socialize. The friend felt suffocated.

故事環繞著一名小女孩、年老的飛行員、還有小王子之間的故事:小女孩成長於單親家庭,母親是忙碌的上班族,對她抱予極大期望。母女倆搬家至新社區後,母親為了讓她進入著名的沃斯學院 (Werth Academy),為小女孩制定了一套行程緊湊的教練生活計劃,試著讓小女孩接受她的安排用功讀書,將來成為社會上的可用之材,由於母親忙於工作,加上小女孩受母親安排的生活規畫影響,大多數時間她都是一個人在自己的房間唸書,這讓小女孩沒有時間玩耍或交朋友感到窒息。

Hancock 街頭超人 16/05/2024

There are heroes… there are superheroes… and then there’s Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility – everyone knows that – everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough – as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind of man who cares what other people think – until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock’s greatest challenge yet – and a task that may prove impossible as Ray’s wife, Mary (Charlize Theron), insists that he’s a lost cause.

有英雄……有超級英雄……還有漢考克(威爾史密斯飾)。 權力越大,責任越大——每個人都知道——每個人,除了漢考克。 急躁、矛盾、諷刺和誤解,漢考克的善意英雄事蹟可能會完成任務並拯救無數生命,但似乎總是留下令人瞠目結舌的傷害。 公眾終於受夠了——儘管他們很感激有當地的英雄,但洛杉磯的好公民們想知道他們到底做了什麼才配得上這個人。 漢考克不是那種關心別人想法的人——直到有一天,他拯救了公關主管雷·恩布里(傑森·貝特曼飾)的生命,這位諷刺的超級英雄開始意識到自己可能也有脆弱的一面。 面對這將是漢考克迄今為止面臨的最大挑戰,而這項任務可能被證明是不可能完成的,因為雷的妻子瑪麗(查理茲塞隆飾)堅稱他已經失敗了。

Van Helsing 狙魔人 17/05/2024

Thirty years after the events of the first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. K's discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.

時隔 30 年,地球陷入一片狂亂,人類與複製人更加難分難解,新「銀翼殺手」K 延續任務,維持世界秩序,但製造複製人的 Wallace 卻認為複製人才是物種的未來...... K 在追查之中發現一個埋藏已久、關乎複製人生死存亡的秘密…

Blade Runner 2049 銀翼殺手2049 18/05/2024

Thirty years after the events of the first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. K's discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.

時隔 30 年,地球陷入一片狂亂,人類與複製人更加難分難解,新「銀翼殺手」K 延續任務,維持世界秩序,但製造複製人的 Wallace 卻認為複製人才是物種的未來...... K 在追查之中發現一個埋藏已久、關乎複製人生死存亡的秘密…

The Mummy Returns 盜墓迷城2 19/05/2024

Ten years after their first encounter with the mummy, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser) and wife Evelyn (Academy Award®-winner Rachel Weisz) return to England from a dig only to have a re-resurrected Imhotep send goons to kidnap the Connell's son, Alex. Get ready for another wild ride as the adventurous duo set off to save their son and stop the forces of evil, facing everything from skeletal pygmies to the Scorpion King (The Rock) himself along the way!


Doctor Dolittle 2 D老篤日記 2 20/05/2024

Dr. Dolittle plays Cupid to a bumbling circus bear to help a group of forest creatures save their habitat. With the aid of his mangy, madcap animal friends, Dr. Dolittle must teach this overgrown teddy the ways of true romance in time to save his species and his home!


The Thin Red Line 狂林戰曲 21/05/2024

A powerful frontline cast - including Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Woody Harrelson and George Clooney - explodes into action in this hauntingly realistic view of military and moral chaos in the Pacific during World War II.


The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet 天才少年的奇妙旅程 22/05/2024

T.S. Spivet lives on a remote ranch in Montana with his parents, his sister Gracie and his brother Layton. A gifted child with a passion for science, he has invented a perpetual motion machine, for which he has been awarded the prestigious Baird Prize by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. He leaves a note for his family and hops a freight train to receive his prize. But no one suspects that the winner is a child with a very dark secret…

Hitman 殺手47 23/05/2024

Based on the top-selling, award-winning videogame franchise, the HITMAN is a genetically-engineered, elite assassin known only as Agent 47. His hallmarks are a lethal grace, unwavering precision, and resolute pride in his work. But even 47 couldn't anticipate a "random equation" in his life of exactitude: the unexpected stirrings of his conscience and the unfamiliar emotions aroused in him by a mysterious Russian woman.

「47」是科學家利用先進的基因複製技術,集合5大超級罪犯 — 德國的野心科學家、中國的黑幫大哥、拉丁美洲的大毒販、職業殺人組織的創辦人及俄羅斯軍火大拆家的DNA研製而成的「新人類」。自小受訓於地下神秘殺人組織的他,練得冷血無情、身手敏捷及精通使用各式威力超強的軍械。


Clash of Titans 人 ‧ 神 ‧ 魔戰 24/05/2024

In CLASH OF THE TITANS, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation, Avatar) stars as the Greek hero Perseus in this spectacular retelling of the classic myth (and '80s cult classic film). Born of a god, but raised as a man, Perseus is helpless to save his family from the clutches of Hades (Oscar® nominee Ralph Fiennes -- Harry Potter films), the vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, he volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Oscar® nominee Liam Neeson -- Batman Begins) and unleash hell on earth. With a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will triumph only if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny


Mad Max Fury Road 末日先鋒 戰甲飛車 25/05/2024

From filmmaker George Miller, originator of the post-apocalyptic genre and mastermind behind the legendary Mad Max trilogy, comes this return to the world of the Road Warrior, Max Rockatansky. Haunted by his turbulent past, Mad Max (Tom Hardy -- The Dark Knight Rises) believes the best way to survive is to wander alone. Nevertheless, he becomes swept up with a band of survivors fleeing across the Wasteland in a war rig driven by an elite Imperator, Furiosa (Oscar ® winner Charlize Theron-- Prometheus). They are escaping a Citadel tyrannized by the Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne), from whom something irreplaceable has been taken. Enraged, the Warlord marshals all his gangs and ruthlessly pursues the rebels in the high-octane Road War that follows.

後末日電影《開路先鋒》系列導演佐治米勒重出江湖,全新作品重啟瘋狂公路戰!麥斯 (湯哈迪 飾) 經歷過去的慘痛往事,認為獨自流浪是最佳的生存之道。儘管如此,他仍然被一群以指揮官芙莉歐莎(查理絲花朗 飾) 為首的飛車難民堵上了。他們逃出惡行昭彰的獨裁軍閥強權管治下的避難所,並偷走了他的寶物。麥斯與逃黨們前無去路、後有追兵,烽煙四起的公路追擊戰一觸即發!

The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 盜墓迷城3 26/05/2024

The blockbuster global Mummy franchise takes a spellbinding turn as the action shifts to Asia for the next chapter in the adventure series, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Brendan Fraser returns as explorer Rick O'Connell to combat the resurrected Han Emperor (Superstar Jet Li) in an epic journey that races from the catacombs of ancient China high into the frigid Himalayas. Golden Globe-nominee Maria Bello and Michelle Yeoh join the cast as well as newcomer Luke Ford. In this exciting installment, the trademark thrills and visually spectacular action of the Mummy series are redefined for a new generation!

《盜墓迷城3》講述殘暴不仁的漢皇帝(李連杰飾),遠古前被女術士(楊紫瓊飾)向他及其部下施咒語,從此長期以「兵馬俑」的形態封印在嚴寒的喜馬拉雅山之地下墓陵。2000年後的一天,衝勁十足的冒險家Alex(Luke Ford飾演)不小心中了漢皇之圈套,讓漢皇終於等到從千年沉睡中復甦之機會,並準備喚起旗下一萬名兵馬俑重回人間,向世界及人類進攻,統治地球取代人類。鑄成大錯的Alex唯有向木乃伊專家──他的父親探險家瑞克(班頓費沙飾)求助,父子同心卻屢遇阻撓:為保守皇陵位置秘密、不惜殺死任何人的女刺客(梁洛施飾)橫刀相向;一直企圖喚醒皇帝、極具野心的軍官(黃秋生飾)從後殺出。一場驚心動魄的大戰一觸即發……

Night at The Museum 翻生侏羅館 27/05/2024

Los Angeles. It is perhaps best known as the entertainment capital of the world -- a sun-kissed golden metropolis of glitz and glamour. To others it represents something very different. Like many of this country's urban centers, L.A. continues to fight pollution, battle crime and seek harmony in ethnic, social and financial inequities. And millions more recognize The City of Angels as the unwilling epicenter of virtually every natural disaster -- including earthquakes, firestorms and mudslides. Now the city which has become almost a byword for disaster is about to experience its most cataclysmic event ever, one that will ultimately test its ability to survive. A vent in the earth's crust has unleashed an incredible force of nature. The literally earth-shattering product: an erupting VOLCANO... and ground zero is L.A.'s famed La Brea Tar Pits. An unprepared Los Angeles is facing its worst nightmare as an endless stream of fiery, deadly lava insidiously creeps across traffic-choked streets while wreaking havoc below ground in the labyrinth of man-made and natural tunnels. Academy Award®-winner Tommy Lee Jones stars as the city's emergency chief who faces an unprecedented challenge in the epic adventure film VOLCANO. Also starring with Jones are Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffman, Don Cheadle and Keith David.

主演︰湯美李鍾斯 Cast: Tommy Lee Jones 導演︰Mick Jackson Director: Mick Jackson   洛杉磯危機處理中心主任邁可(湯美李鍾斯飾)在一宗疑似煤 氣管爆炸的意外中,發現不尋常現象;另一方面,由於連日的地震 ,地質學家艾美連同邁可一起針對該意外作深入調查。當艾美發現 原來是由於板塊移動造成地層斷裂,引發致命的岩漿隨時爆發。而 此一同時,無可挽救的悲劇已揭開序幕,炙熱的岩漿如同火蛇般自 地面竄出,挾著數千度的高溫向大地席捲而來,人、車、建築物無 一倖免,洛杉磯是否因此淪為火焰之都?邁可又如何化解岩漿危機 ……

Volcano 活火熔城 28/05/2024

Los Angeles. It is perhaps best known as the entertainment capital of the world -- a sun-kissed golden metropolis of glitz and glamour. To others it represents something very different. Like many of this country's urban centers, L.A. continues to fight pollution, battle crime and seek harmony in ethnic, social and financial inequities. And millions more recognize The City of Angels as the unwilling epicenter of virtually every natural disaster -- including earthquakes, firestorms and mudslides. Now the city which has become almost a byword for disaster is about to experience its most cataclysmic event ever, one that will ultimately test its ability to survive. A vent in the earth's crust has unleashed an incredible force of nature. The literally earth-shattering product: an erupting VOLCANO... and ground zero is L.A.'s famed La Brea Tar Pits. An unprepared Los Angeles is facing its worst nightmare as an endless stream of fiery, deadly lava insidiously creeps across traffic-choked streets while wreaking havoc below ground in the labyrinth of man-made and natural tunnels. Academy Award®-winner Tommy Lee Jones stars as the city's emergency chief who faces an unprecedented challenge in the epic adventure film VOLCANO. Also starring with Jones are Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffman, Don Cheadle and Keith David.

主演︰湯美李鍾斯 Cast: Tommy Lee Jones 導演︰Mick Jackson Director: Mick Jackson   洛杉磯危機處理中心主任邁可(湯美李鍾斯飾)在一宗疑似煤 氣管爆炸的意外中,發現不尋常現象;另一方面,由於連日的地震 ,地質學家艾美連同邁可一起針對該意外作深入調查。當艾美發現 原來是由於板塊移動造成地層斷裂,引發致命的岩漿隨時爆發。而 此一同時,無可挽救的悲劇已揭開序幕,炙熱的岩漿如同火蛇般自 地面竄出,挾著數千度的高溫向大地席捲而來,人、車、建築物無 一倖免,洛杉磯是否因此淪為火焰之都?邁可又如何化解岩漿危機 ……

The Translators 叛譯同謀 29/05/2024

Nine translators, hired to translate the eagerly awaited final book of a bestselling trilogy, are confined in a luxurious bunker. When the first ten pages of the top-secret manuscript appear online, the dream job becomes a nightmare – the thief is one of them and the publisher (Lambert Wilson) is ready to do whatever it takes to unmask him… or her. A suspenseful, edge-of-the-seat whodunit that will keep you riveted till the very end.

Hitman Agent 47 剌客特攻47 30/05/2024

HITMAN: AGENT 47 centers on an elite assassin who was genetically engineered from conception to be the perfect killing machine, and is known only by the last two digits on the barcode tattooed on the back of his neck. He is the culmination of decades of research – and forty-six earlier Agent clones – endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence. His latest target is a mega-corporation that plans to unlock the secret of Agent 47’s past to create an army of killers whose powers surpass even his own. Teaming up with a young woman who may hold the secret to overcoming their powerful and clandestine enemies, 47 confronts stunning revelations about his own origins and squares off in an epic battle with his deadliest foe.

《殺手:47 號特工》以一名精英刺客為中心,他從受孕時就經過基因改造,成為完美的殺人機器,只能透過脖子後面紋身的條碼上的最後兩位數字來識別他。 他是數十年研究的巔峰之作——以及 46 個早期特工克隆體——賦予他前所未有的力量、速度、耐力和智力。 他的最新目標是一家大型企業,該企業計劃解開 47 號特工過去的秘密,打造一支力量甚至超越他的殺手大軍。 47 號與一位可能掌握著戰勝強大秘密敵人秘密的年輕女子聯手,面對有關他自己出身的驚人真相,並與他最致命的敵人進行了一場史詩般的戰鬥。

The Maze Runner 移動迷宮 31/05/2024

When Thomas wakes up trapped in a massive maze with a group of other boys, he has no memory of the outside world other than strange dreams about a mysterious organization known as W.C.K.D. Only by piecing together fragments of his past with clues he discovers in the maze can Thomas hope to uncover his true purpose and a way to escape. Based upon the best-selling novel by James Dashner.

當托馬斯與一群其他男孩一起被困在一個巨大的迷宮中時醒來,他除了夢見一個名為 W.C.K.D 的神秘組織外,對外面的世界沒有任何記憶。 只有將過去的碎片與他在迷宮中發現的線索拼湊起來,托馬斯才有希望揭開他的真正目的和逃跑的方法。 改編自詹姆斯達許納的暢銷小說。

明珠930 | 十月電影狂歡:超人特工隊2、Madam 系列及更多精彩巨獻
明珠930 | 十月電影狂歡:超人特工隊2、Madam 系列及更多精彩巨獻
綜藝2024-09-26 00:00
明珠930 | 八月電影電影盛宴

明珠930 | 八月電影電影盛宴

本月電影盛宴:Marvel 超級英雄系列與 DC 超級英雄系列Marvel 超級英雄系列:每週六晚精彩不斷《Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2 星際異攻隊2》:漫威宇宙的續集冒險這部續集電影講述了星爵與他的星際異攻隊成員繼續踏上冒險之旅,並發現了他的身世。與星爵的父親 Ego 的相遇成為影片的高潮。電影探討了家庭、友誼和身份認同等主題,同時也呈現了迷人的視覺效果和幽默的對話


明珠930 | TVB七月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送

明珠930 | TVB七月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送



明珠930 | TVB六月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送

明珠930 | TVB六月電影推薦:經典系列電影特別放送

六月電影推薦:系列電影特別放送1. 《移動迷宮》系列本月一號晚,明珠台將播出《移動迷宮:焦土試煉》,《移動迷宮》系列電影改編自詹姆斯·達許納的同名小說,是一部反烏托邦科幻動作片。故事講述一群男孩醒來後發現自己身處一個巨大的迷宮之中,他們必須設法逃出迷宮,才能生存下去。系列特色:緊張刺激的情節:電影的節奏明快,充滿了懸念和危機,讓觀眾看得目不暇給。鮮明的角色:電影中的角色各具特色,讓人印象深刻。精美


明珠930 | TVB四月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930 | TVB四月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930四月電影盤點! 大白鯊系列, 哥斯拉系列, 生化危機系列等等,四月大片分別有:Spotlight 焦點追擊 1/4/2024Starring Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schrieber, Brian D’Arcy James and Stanley Tucci, SPOTLIGHT tells the r


明珠930| TVB三月電影盤點  明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930| TVB三月電影盤點 明珠台每晚播放電影即刻睇!

明珠930三月電影盤點! TVB明珠台每晚9時30分將會上演多套國際大片,包括《虎膽龍威》,《鐵逹尼號》, 《未來戰士》, 《回到未來第三集》, 《叛碟追擊》系列等等, 不容錯過,明珠930的3月大片分別有:Die Hard 虎膽龍威 1/3/2024New York policeman John McClane (Bruce Willis) flies to Los Angeles bea



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